PKmito™ probes for live cell mitochondria imaging are available.
16 January 2023
To launch PKmito™ probes in style, we are offering a 50% discount until March 31st 2023!
PKmito™ probes are bright and photostable fluorescent probes for gentle imaging of mitochondria in live cells. They have been developed by the lab Zhixing Chen from Peking University1,2)
Live HeLa cells labeled with PKmito ORANGE and picogreen (mtDNA). movie adapted from movie S3 from reference 1) above.
1. Yang, Zhongtian, et al. “Cyclooctatetraene-conjugated cyanine mitochondrial probes minimize phototoxicity in fluorescence and nanoscopic imaging.” Chemical science 11.32 (2020): 8506-8516.
2. Liu Tianyan et al. “Multi-color live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondria with a gentle inner membrane stain” PNAS (2022):119 (52).