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Our products
Peroxi_SPY™ probes
Two new peroxisome probesare now available Peroxi_SPY555 and Peroxi_SPY650. These two new probes are the first small molecule probes to specifically label peroxisome1) for live cell imaging. Currently, labeling peroxisomes in live cells is mainly performed by expressing fluorescent proteins tagged with the sequence “SKL”, the signaling sequence for peroxisome import. It involves genetic manipulation, transfection or infection with viral vectors. This procedure is tedious, time consuming and cannot be used with some cell types. Peroxi_SPY™ probes solve this problem and offer a simple, fast and reliable method to stain peroxisomes on many sample types, including cultured cells, tissue or whole organisms.
Peroxi_SPY™ probes use is very simple and straightforward: just add the probe to the cell culture medium and an efficient labeling is reached within 15 minutes.
Peroxisomes labeling has never been that easy!
Live HeLa cells labeled with Peroxi_SPY650 (cyan), DNA (white) and plasma membrane (magenta). Image credits: Triana Amen.
Embryonic stem cells labeled with Peroxi_SPY650. Image credits: Triana Amen.
- Daria Korotkova et Al. “Fluorescent fatty acid conjugates for live cell imaging of peroxisomes”, Nat Commun 15, 4314 (2024)
PKmem™ probes
3 new PKmem™ probes for live cell imaging of the plasma membrane are available. The unique feature of PKmem™ probes is its extremely low phototoxicity, due to the presence of the intramolecular triplet quencher cyclooctatetraene (COT) group. This feature allows for long term live cell imaging of the plasma membrane without damaging the cells.
- Bright, non-phototoxic & non-toxic plasma membrane probe
- Does not require any genetic manipulation, transfection or overexpression of fluorescent proteins.
- It can be used for widefield, confocal, or SIM imaging in living cells and tissue
Live cell labeled with PKmem 555 and PKmito DEEP RED.
- Jing Ling et al. “A gentle palette of plasma membrane dyes”, BioRxiv, 2024
PKmito™ probes
We are proud to announce that the PKmito™ probes for gentle imaging of mitochondria in live cells are now available from our distributors network.
PKmito™ probes have been developed by the lab of Zhixing Chen from Peking University1,2). They were carefully designed to reduce the generation of reactive oxygen species during imaging and allow long-term imaging or timelapse STED imaging in live cells.
Live HeLa cells labeled with PKmito ORANGE and picogreen (mtDNA). movie adapted from movie S3 from reference 1) above.
- Liu Tianyan et al. “Multi-color live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondria with a gentle inner membrane stain”
- Yang, Zhongtian, et al. “Cyclooctatetraene-conjugated cyanine mitochondrial probes minimize phototoxicity in fluorescence and nanoscopic imaging.”
SPY™ probes
Spirochrome’s SPY™ probes are revolutionary fluorogenic live cell fluorescent probes covering the whole visible spectrum SPY™ probes are live cell, fluorogenic, photostable and STED/SIM compatible. They keep all the nice properties of our SiR-probes but work in different channels such as FITC, TMR or Texas Red. Probes for DNA (nucleus), actin and microtubules are available.
Flipper-TR® probes
Flipper-TR® is a live cell fluorescent membrane tension probe. It is the first fluorescent membrane tension reporter developed for the field of mechanobiology. The fluorescence lifetime of Flipper-TR® is strongly dependent on the membrane tension, therefore through FLIM imaging it is possible to measure precisely the spatio-temporal distribution of tension in membranes. Flipper-TR® opens up a whole new field by giving access to real time membrane tension measurements in live cells.
SiR probes
Spirochrome’s SiR probes are based on the fluorphore Silicon Rhodamine (SiR). Its key features are 1. cell permeability, 2. fluorogenic character and 3. compatibility with super-resolution microscopy. The fluorescence excitation and emission of SiR are in the far-red, reducing phototoxicity in live-cell imaging experiments. SiR is compatible with most microscopes as it can be used with standard Cy5 settings. The combination of all these properties set SiR-based probes apart from other fluorescent probes. Spirochrome SiR-probes work as simple as “add and image”.
Spirochrome provides live cell imaging probes for DNA, Actin, Microtubules and lysosomes that are available in two colors: SiR and SiR700.
SiR fluorophore and reagents
Spirochrome provides SiR-reagents for the preparation protein, nucleic acid, peptide or small molecules SiR-conjugates creating tailor-made probes. Currently, carboxylic acid, NHS ester, maleimide, alkyne, azide, tetrazine and BCN derivatives of SiR are available.
Did not find what you were looking for ? Our chemists can provide you with custom SiR-derivatives and conjugates