PKmito™ probes for live cell mitochondria imaging will be available in January 2023 through our distributors network.
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PKmito™ probes for live cell mitochondria imaging will be available in January 2023 through our distributors network.

20 December 2022

PKmito™ probes are bright and photostable fluorescent probes for gentle imaging of mitochondria in live cells. They have been developed and published by the lab Zhixing Chen from Peking University1,2)

PKmito™ probes feature a unique technology: They consist of cyanine derivatives bearing intramolecular cyclooctatetraene (COT) substituents.  The presence of intramolecular COT substituents very efficiently reduces the production of singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen is a very reactive species produced by fluorophores and it is responsible of rapid cellular damage leading to cell death. PKmito™ probes are therefore allowing a very gentle imaging of mitochondria in live cells and tissues and preserve them from singlet oxygen damage and phototoxicity.

PKmito™ probes are extremely well suited for STED nanoscopy.

Live HeLa cells stained with PKmito ORANGE, SPY650-FastAct™ and SPY505-DNA imaged by confocal microscopy. Image Credit: Tinayan Liu, Peking University, China

1. Yang, Zhongtian, et al. “Cyclooctatetraene-conjugated cyanine mitochondrial probes minimize phototoxicity in fluorescence and nanoscopic imaging.” Chemical science 11.32 (2020): 8506-8516.
2. Liu Tianyan et al. “Multi-color live-cell STED nanoscopy of mitochondria with a gentle inner membrane stain” PNAS (2022):119 (52).